
emlyon business school ×

Lyon, France
Full time - 1 year
Lyon, France
Full time - 1 year

Current program rank (FT)


Tuition fees

€ 39,800

Length (months)


Program name

International MBA

What people are saying:

Business school information

emlyon business school can look back on over 150 years of history shaping its commitment to “provide lifelong training and support to enlightened people who effectively change organizations to build a society that is fairer, shows solidarity for others and respects the planet.” This mission statement has been enshrined in the school's bylaws since emlyon became a benefit corporation in 2021.

Our special teaching philosophy closely links thinking and doing, helping cultivate the entrepreneurial mindset and reflexivity which have been integral to the School's DNA since it was first founded. We can rely on the expertise of a faculty consisting of more than 170 research professors informing the global scientific conversation and contributing new knowledge to our academic programs. Lastly, our social and environmental engagement underpins all our activities. 2024 has been a busy year for emlyon.

Our new strategic plan - “Resonances 2028”- focuses on five qualities we expect from our students, “makers” capable of exploring alternative futures, building and taking action: academic excellence, entrepreneurial spirit, commitment, hybrid knowledge and resonance with the world, society and the business community.

Our new campus which embodies our ambitious scientific and teaching goals will be home to the emlyon community from September 2024. These unique premises testifying to our strong local roots and international outlook will offer a truly exceptional student experience and become a meeting place for all stakeholders committed to achieving a more sustainable and inclusive future.

Study in lyon

  • Situated on a narrow peninsula between the Rhône and Saône rivers, Lyon is the third largest city in France. This peninsula is now home to the city’s business district. Lyon is also one of the most important educational hubs outside Paris.
  • The economy is diverse, with the textile industry, chemical production and the metallurgical industry being among the most prosperous sectors. Lyon’s cuisine and gastronomy and its historical and architectural sites make up the wealth of landmarks in this city.

Program description

The International MBA program has been designed to provide you will all the tools you need to reach your career goals.Through carefully designed courses, in-depth specializations, hands-on learning and a dedicated careers team, you will work together to develop the skills you need to become a leader in your field.

The core courses cover the fundamental topics that you will need to master in order to be a successful manager or entrepreneur in any sector around the world. Working with innovative and experienced professors as well as external speakers, you will approach each subject from different cultural and professional view points, as well as be asked to share your experiences from your professional context. By completing this initial part of the program you will gain all the essential building blocks you need to continue with your personal electives.

Throughout the year you will also be working on a number of group projects, supported by companies and professors. The purpose of these projects is to allow you to integrate the theory that you are learning into real life situations.

Size of the class:
Number of alumni:
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Cultural fit profile

Access information to make a complex decision with confidence with matched MBA programs that offer you the best fit. The map on the right shows results on the six dimensions of our Cultural Fit Map.

In the Cultural Fit Map, each dimension is anchored by two diametrical poles. Neither end is good or bad. Relying on our unique scientific research, we can offer insight beyond metrics and facts — into the full MBA experience itself. Take our short survey and explore what life in a particular university is like.

Admission requirements

Age (Avg/Max):


Experience (Min/Avg):



* A Bachelor’s degree equivalent to 4 years of undergraduate studies. A minimum of 3 years of professional work experience post-graduation

(please note, internships are not considered in this context). A valid score from GMAT, GRE, or Tage-Mage test, or a commitment to complete one of these tests in the near future. Proof of English proficiency, demonstrated by a C1 level score in TOEIC, TOEFL, or IELTS.

Cost of study and scholarships

Accomodation costs on campus, per year:

$ 5,133

Accomodation costs off campus, per year:

$ 5,704


Current rank:


(Financial Times)


Male/Female students:

54% / 46%

Number of nationalities represented:


Female faculty:


International faculty:


Women on board:


International board:


Alumni today:
by Financial Times ©

Alumni salary today:

$ 132,071

Salary increase:


Value for money rank:


Career progress rank:


Career service rank:


Alumni aims achieved:


Employed at three months:


Selected recruiters:

Amazon, ASML, CGI, Deloitte, Hitachi, KPMG, Philips

Post-MBA industry:

Career progress:

Accommodation costs
(on campus, per year):

$ 5,133

Accommodation costs
(off campus, per year):

$ 5,704

Type of aid available:

Scholarships and loans


Read our blog

06 Apr

How to choose

Your MBA Program in France: Tips and Tools for Finding the Right Fit



Address: Emlyon Business School, 23 avenue Guy de Collongue, CS 40203, Ecully cedex, 69134
Lyon, France

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